Geneviève Charbonneau is a photographer based in Montreal, Québec. Upon graduating from the Cegep du Vieux Montréal in 1998, it became clear that Geneviève was to become a leading force in the Canadian photography industry.
After a year of graduating, she was chosen to exhibit her work at the Cosmos Exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts amongst many already established artists.
Geneviève’s joie de vivre nature and inherent playfulness resonates in her naturalistic approach to photography, by encouraging talents to be their true self and being able to capture the sincerity of that moment.
The way that Geneviève creates strong and genuine relationships with her clients and subjects is truly as unique as her work. Therefore, it comes to no surprise that Janet Jackson, Brian Adams, Sophia Lauren, Lara Fabian, Xavier Dolan, and Meghan Markle have all been in front of her lenses.
Her photographs have been used in many ad campaigns and have been published in several publications such as Vogue Italia, Grazia Italia, Tatler, and even landed 22 consecutive covers at the same publication!
Combined with Geneviève’s talent and her infectious positivity she has built many strong relations spanning her whole career. Her sets feels like a family reunion, with (people that you actually like) and if you’re lucky Geneviève will bust out her signature dance moves !